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Volunteer Info

Contact your student’s teacher or our school office about volunteering in the classroom or on campus.

There are also groups and committees for parents/guardians to join.


School Site Council (SSC) is a decision making group that is composed of parents, teachers, classified staff, and the principal. The main function and overall purpose of SSC is to develop and recommend school needs for the school improvement plan, which focuses on academic achievement and school safety.  Members of council serve for a two-year term. 

 Parent Teacher Association (PTA)- Meets on 1st Wednesday of each month

A parent–teacher association is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school.  

PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) – Schools have parent representation for meetings where you are informed of what is happening in the district. Share the information with the school.

SPECIAL EDUCATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SEDAC)-  Schools have parent representation for meetings where the focus in on students with special education needs and other district information

ENGLISH LEARNERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ELAC) ELAC advises the principal and staff on the development of the English Learner section of the school plan.
Invitations for all meetings will be sent to all families with students who are English Learners.

LOCAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN (LCAP) - The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support student learning.